Kenwood KD-990 is a very good record player

Volkswagen Passat. I had to write this. I’m having a hard time finding a better comparison. A turntable that has everything it should have – a good hand that can carry good MC inserts, a great drive with excellent performance, a solid spider inside that perfectly suppresses resonances. Everything is good or even very good. It also looks good and plays really well. He asks for a good Denon 103R and a holy peace of mind mixed in vinyl.

Its only serious drawback is this…

… no flair. It looks quite blocky and plays quite dispassionately. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great sounding scratching post that can work great on some systems. The game is clear, precise, dynamic, and detailed. However, I’ve remade some really good MC inserts on it, and it’s never stolen me away with an analog tweet, it’s always been closer to a superb CD than the romantic vinyl it wants to float away on.

Kenwood KD-990 ze znakomitą wkładką Audio Technica AT20 SLA Limited

I believe the excellent powerful quartz stabilized drive is better than the much more expensive Luxman PD-441, but so what

even if the service doesn’t fully provide what you would like to get by contacting the player. The lever lift descends on the button with a soft click, the drive rises on the button with a soft click. A 90’s Hi-fi tower-style user experience with a million stickers informing you about cutting-edge surround sound technologies.

Okay, I swore.

KD-990 passed through my hands 2 pieces, when buying the first one, I was helped by the legend for-Ahaja, manufacturer of excellent Phono Husariaa / Nuda preamps, to which the seller brought this player. Ken came with one of the best mmeks I’ve ever listened to-Audio Technica AT20 SLA-also a very pleasant surprise… The second one I downloaded from Scandinavia because I was tempted by the Ortofon MC20 Super mk2 insert that was included. This insert, however, was my reference for a long time and bravely opposed much more expensive competitors of other companies. I’ll probably dedicate a separate post to her one day.

if you are not an exaggerated vinyl romantic like me, then you can safely purchase such a scratching post and enjoy

The player weighs its own weight and takes up a relatively large amount of space. Sure, you might like it (After all, trade winds are ugly too), I know at least 6 people (at least that’s what I recall now) that this player has or had at some stage in its audio adventure-and everyone is very complimentary of them, so If you’re not an over-the-top vinyl romantic like me, then feel free to say I want you to purchase and enjoy many of the assets I mentioned earlier.

Both players are in excellent condition, still in working order, and serve their users perfectly, with whom I still keep in touch. This is a rather late construction, because the end of the 80’s. There was a lot of good stuff there, and the sound is objectively very good. Operation, the speed of starting the drive is downright reference. In Japan, it was produced under the name KP-990 and in a slightly more beautiful version of KP-9010 with a submersible plate, and they are produced exclusively in the 110V version, you should be careful when buying them, because they are often in questionable condition. The KD-7010 and KD – 8030 models were also released on 220V-they look identical to the 990 and I don’t really know how they differ, judging by the condition, they were somewhat later slots.

KD-990 with Denon 103R mentioned at the beginning, or ORTEK MC20 Super Mk2, Audio Technica OC 9 II gives a really very, very good game, the warmest and most analog, of course, will be played by Denon, Ortofon is more studio-like, but extremely with resolution and contour, and with AT we have a lot of fantastic, though rather thin bass and a little light, but sweet in diameter.

You can live with this for a very long time, and these kits are very hard to jump even a few times the budget on the secondary market. I don’t mention the new turntables out of politeness…

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