Lumin T2-how does one of the most popular streamers play?

Lumina I had the opportunity to listen in multiple systems, the first time was already good 5 years ago.

The systems to which it is connected usually play smoothly, musically and, one might say, analog.

I’ve often wondered if I should buy one myself, because I’m already tired of individual transports, cables, transport power, or a Runa subscription.

How does Lumin play?

Jack Daniels. Whether you drink pure, with Cola or Pepsi, it brings a very specific flavor to the drink.

The same goes for the Lumin T2.

People’s poop drinks Jack and appreciates its sweet taste. Fans of single malt or pure will say that this is a perfume.

However, many people need perfume for their systems, because audiophile equipment without color correction tends to play analytically, dryly, sharply (especially in non-optioned salons)

Lumin T2 - popularny streamer Hi-End? Made in China :)
Streamer Lumin T2

The problem is compounded with DIY amplifiers or high-power transistors.

Lumin spoils the sound in its own way… making it more pleasant, darker, a little more intense.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen naturally. The sound fades out a bit, loses clarity, and where it can be phenomenal, it’s just normal.

On the other hand, some unbearably weak implementations benefit from this procedure.

Lumin T2-my opinion

For a purist, audiophile, or person who knows what they’re looking for, this is not the right block. In my ear, the Merason from SotM fits much better,which not only plays more clearly, but also more smoothly… True. It has a much better emotional message.

Lumin T2
Lumin T2 w systemie mojego kolegi z Moonem

Lumin blurs a little, enlarges a little, darkens – which, for example, is great for small columns on stands, where the sound does not have enough push.

It has a very decent application for this ,it can be used as a transport for an external DAC (although, as a rule, most external DACs will play with transporting it… like Lumin, so it hardly makes sense)

First of all, however, it is a single unit, so there are no extra, expensive gadgets, and we save a lot of space.

I had such a phase that I loved Jack very much, today I already prefer things a little more neutral in taste. However, Lumin for most music lovers can be a shot in 10, which will greatly improve listening experience.

They say that with sbooster (linear power supply) even better – I only listened to the version with a built-in power supply, so I think it might be even better… but it won’t change his character.

At current prices on the secondary market of 9000-11000zl, it is worth bending over it-few devices solve as many problems as the Lumin T2 at once.

Of course, there will be a certain compromise-as when buying any device, but for T2 the list of advantages is really long.

On the contrary, I have a feeling that if someone spends a lot of money on an audio system, they should be looking for more truth in the sound, more input into the recording than what T2ka offers.

Then… it just listens better.

The popularity of Lumina is, in my opinion, the effect of great soullessness and fashion for technical games that need to be compensated with something. And here T2 often sits very well.

T2 in brief:

Plus for:

  • Convenience (1 transport device + DAC)
  • musicality
  • good app
  • decent price
  • good workmanship

Minus for:

  • coloring the sound in an unnatural way (so says lampiar!)
  • lack of truthfulness, truthfulness
  • weak emotional message
  • no digital inputs (you can’t pass through it, for example, audio from a TV or console)
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