Prices for vintage audio on the example of KEF Carlton and 105.2

(Important) introduction

Where do vintage equipment prices come from and are they legal? Many sellers / collectors go overboard.

Especially people who simply shoot what is popular, fashionable – or cheap and see the opportunity to ‘crop’, unfortunately, quite a lot.

I try to choose what from my experience has the right to play, and I know what it will play with.

I’m trying to show a few forgotten products, or for people who are just entering the world of audio from a new perspective.

Giving extra value-in the form of videos, recordings that I’ve used-if a particular piece of equipment just gets boring makes it easier to sell. Every day when a post is posted online is a day when someone can view photos or videos… and ever wanted to buy this equipment.

I try to leave my mark, and I really like the idea that in a few years ‘ time someone might read this post and get sick of the Carletons… 🙂

Carlton II

Carlton II is a budget model of the 80s. 105.2 is a model from the top KEF series. We are used to buying more expensive models and more expensive ones-because they are better. Are you sure?

When I put up my Carletons-the fact is that I was not cheap flooded with a wave of slightly elevated comments. At this price, you can buy 3 pairs from England.


Another Gentleman on OLX wrote a PW saying that you can have a Reference for this. And that’s right. Only by my standards, the Carletons are simply undervalued.

My Carltons were in perfect condition, with original stands and even a leaflet and instruction manual – the whole life of one owner… and we were in Poland. For touch and for listening.

KEF Carlton II

However, this was not the main reason.

The Carletons just played fantastically. What kind of amplifier I would not give them-it was natural, pleasant, colorful, dynamic, with a spear. They found each other perfectly with each of the lamps I had.

They looked crazy and were an incredible rarity.

They were hard to’ spoil ‘ with a set, and hard to dislike listening to them.

They were ‘dumb-steady,’ and if you don’t have a crank like me or my friends (and friends from whom you can borrow cables, sources, and amps), then many of the super-blocks you just can’t tame yourself.

At the Carlton, any music lover could enjoy listening to music with great pleasure.

On the other hand, we have 105.2

These speakers, despite the good and expensive electronics. They didn’t kidnap. They were more decent, technical, had better dynamics and bass. However, their playing at low volume was much weaker. They did not conjure, did not draw. One could enjoy the correctness of this sound. This is enough for many people. However, there is quite a lot of such correctness in the market. Although today, after inflation-less and less.

Kolumny Vintage KEF Reference 105.2

105.2 so they were a curiosity, a rarity. They were very good.

The Carlton II’s were in the background of what I had that was special, and in their own way they could be put next to the pillars for a few tens of thousands, and it would always be tempting to listen to them.

This is what I try to find for myself. And in this context, I assess their value. This is what I’m trying to show here.

The Carletons had that girl-next-door or high school love element – they weren’t the best at anything, they just had something that drew them in. They were like that… mine. Normal.

Therefore, the price of my heart with the Carlton logo was the same as that of the reference 105.2.


KEF Carlton
KEF Reference 105.2

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