I think the first text you should read is this-so you need to know before buying a player or insert.
If you are just getting started with the phonograph… you won’t choose perfectly. Unless you have someone who can give you good advice, a lot of money, and a desire to understand the complexity of the vinyl theme.
But let’s say that you just want to buy records of your favorite artists and get to know the world.
When should I buy a new player?
- when you like the design and can’t imagine vintage (although I warn you that there are many beautiful models with timeless designs)
- when you want to buy something safely and settle for much lower quality
- you have something like obsessive compulsive disorder and you think that if someone has used this before, it’s definitely broken and something won’t work: -)

And I think that would be enough. Value for money will always be on the side of vintage turntables.
The only question is whether you really need this quality to get started.
If you like new turntables, high gloss lacquer, acrylic or glass cymbals, then there is nothing to argue about.
The biggest limitation of new players is their usually light hands. And they end up making the vinyl game more expensive and less educational.
As I wrote in the previous text,it makes sense to buy Mmek up to 1500-2000zł. Above this budget, start MC’s who play after the post top class. But to do this, you already need a player with a heavier and better lever, which in the new players will only be in models around 10,000 PLN (I don’t follow the market much, if I’m wrong, correct me)

The second caveat regarding new players will be the budget-you want a new one-ok, you probably know that as for 1500 zlotys, it’s Chinese, and that’s also good-it will play. Just avoid suitcases and gramophone-like inventions, otherwise you’ll only end up getting discouraged and scratching your recordings.
Why a vintage turntable
- higher build quality – these turntables have lived for 30-40 years and will live for another 20, it is known that today everything is done in the Far East and these products are simply not durable, accurate and not ‘idiotic’ – and let’s not charm ourselves as a new user you will not be an expert
- just like a new driver usually gets a used car on the road, so in turntables it’s better to take a cheap stimulant, because a lot can be ruined.
- as vinyl will not get you involved you will sell such a record player without loss
- best price / quality ratio (for 1500 PLN you will already buy a player that will play with the MC insert in the future)
- improved functionality-automatic or semi-automatic mechanisms
- better construction and materials – there are of course different models, while you should try to find vintage made worse than modern ones up to 1000zł
- spare parts-by choosing one of the well-known brands-service specialists have access to a really large database of spare parts, and many parts can be made anew these days.
Important sentence at the end:
Players are, contrary to their appearance, very simple devices. If we don’t choose Direct Drive or advanced automation players… it really can’t mess up much there. It is worth giving such a device to someone trusted for inspection-even immediately after the purchase (we have more and more such specialists), and then we have a calm head that everything is in order and, as a rule, will be for many years to come.