The source in the audio, in my opinion, is of great importance. I am surprised at people who buy an Integra for 30-40k with an integrated DAC, because I have a feeling that they are losing a lot of potential.
Today we live differently and faster. This is also how we consume music. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? The world is moving forward, and we will not stop it.
If someone thinks that Pink Floyd didn’t make good music, I feel very sorry for them-this is really a lot. And that PF evokes unique emotions-well, I fully understand, everyone has their own music from their youth.
A merger in music is unlikely, and creators who were once rejected by the label can easily release a record, even recording at home.
We have access to it, just need to search.
CD Advantages:
- good value for money
- cheap disks
- name, tangibility
- ability to create collections in the 3D world
CD disadvantages:
- you have 1 cool number on yandex. Disk, and you need to constantly run around or listen to music that you don’t like
- you have 1 or 2 cool numbers on a disk, and you collect these inconvenient media, and then forget these disks
- are you still looking for a record
- there is no such long ritual as with vinyl, and the text on the covers is smaller 🙂
- they draw

Vinyl Benefits
- ritual at the highest level
- Size and graphics make the board feel comfortable in your hand
- aiming a needle in the groove is fun, which is not enough
- looks cool on the shelf
- you can buy a good record player
- you can change the sound by replacing the insert itself
Vinyl disadvantages:
- now wash and vacuum these plates all the time
- assembling a well-played vinyl track is not about overflowing
- plate prices
- still someone wants to play with these records
- they take up a lot of space
Streaming / Files

Streaming Benefits:
- music around the world is available on a click from your phone or tablet
- the opportunity to get acquainted with new music, as it once was, during radio broadcasts
- you like a particular track and are interested in learning the disc: you check how you like it, you add it to your favorites, and how you don’t forget, and your favorite track gets into your playlist
- ability to listen to most discs when purchasing physical media
Streaming disadvantages:
- some disks on streaming services are of poor quality
- it is unlikely that we will be absorbed into the atmosphere of this plate, because the finger itches to switch to another
- we have good music, but usually in worse quality than CD / vinyl-although this depends on the equipment we are listening to
Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder
Advantages of the coil:
- best sound experience
- amazing vintage look
- ability to record new records and create a potpourri… even new digital implementations sound the best one ever
Spool disadvantages:
- nothing plays the same after the drum-the best DACi come out , and it takes a lot of work, knowledge, and money to play the gramophone that way.
- price
- feed price

My conclusions
Source selection is of utmost importance for the sound of the system. THIS SHOULD NOT BE UNDERSTATED.
Today, we don’t need to listen to whole recordings, of which 1 number is good,or even buy them. Every day you can try something new without any problems.
Listening recently to Krzyszk (and before that, Peter), it is difficult not to feel disgusted. The latest expensive DACs, streamers, or CD players just play a lot worse, and it’s not a matter of taste. Do not listen to the reel, because you will get sick, and this is expensive.
During the 2024 audio show, the rooms where the reel was used were like steroids – just that the music came in right away. An incredible combination of timbre, depth, smoothness, dynamics.
My favorite mix is streaming and vinyl – vinyl for ritual and released through the right liner is great. CD won for ease of use.
Streaming is even easier and gives you more options, so you’ve supplanted CD.
And the vinyl approach is only if it’s a ritual, but the tapes are hard to get, they’re quite expensive – so I think it will remain in the deep underground.