KMAudio DAC-better than Rockny and DCS?

I’m gradually starting to get comfortable with these clickbait headlines 🙂

Fashion for Success Episode 322: How I Met Krzyska

I got to know Krishna through Paul, and I got to know Paul through his Clipsh-he spoke to me once through an audio gallery-at a time when there was still a lot going on there, occasionally something of value. I advised him to use the Haiku Sensei 300B, which plays synergistically with them.

Sensei, of course, played much better in this set than the Great Chinese yaqin 845 after modifications.

Then Pavel looked for DACa, and that, like most audiophiles, he invented DAC Krzyska on Allegro.

Then he played on the Musician Pegasus R2R with Bluesound. He tested the Lumina T2, Reimyo DAP-999EX,or my Merason Frerot.

Pavel called to tell me to throw an ear at this daredevil, and we still went to Krzyszek-to Volov.

3 words about the ad builder

Krzyszek is a mega-guest. With an engineering approach-which I’m not a fan of, because I evaluate equipment mostly by ear. On the contrary, it turned out that he abandoned several engineering solutions in his devices in favor of ‘dirtier’ ones, especially in the field of power. I smiled under my breath, because I have a similar attitude to such solutions – they look great in terms of parameters, but are poorly suited to the ears and music.

Krzysiek plays Vintage Accuphase every day, his system isn’t exactly my fairytale-I prefer a more neutral and more sophisticated one-but I’m a twisted lantern, and here we’re talking about his DAC and its possible utility – for your systems.

On the contrary, it is worth knowing that Krzyszek has been playing for a good couple of years, building fencing columns for himself, which I had the opportunity to listen to… And for the price he sold them at, I think it’s a mega treat. Crossovers are supplied by Pyotr Makhnik, an author of extreme, non-standard solutions, who is quite well known on the sidelines.

Krzyska often plays a reel-to-reel tape recorder-actually a reference source, so let’s agree-it had a good reference point for tuning in. One that most modern DAC manufacturers have no idea about.

About DAC KMAudio

Krzyszek listens to much heavier music. He is not surprised that he started looking for non-standard solutions himself, because few modern DACs are suitable for such a repertoire.

Its converters are based on old bones like the PCM63 or AD1865. And his products, therefore, are the results of many tests – so in his studio there are just cuvettes of various components that he tested in his devices.

Why is this important? I wrote here: DIY and here: How to find out good hardware.

The Krzyska sensor won for Pavel in the price / quality ratio with the mentioned Lumin T2 used by Reimyo (the price of a new one 15 years ago is about 50 000zł), Musician Pegasus R2R or the Chinese streamer Gustard R26.

In another system, it replaced, for example, Rockne Wavedream (now 50 000 PLN) – when it comes to pickups that are more recognizable and flashy in price. I hope its former owner will leave a comment here for posterity.


So how does this DAC play, is it really that good?

I don’t like better and better applications, although I do use them sometimes because some devices are exceptionally good and versatile – although not for everyone.

First of all, the Krzyska converter is compatible with new systems – it doesn’t blame what’s in modern devices and so much.

This gives the sound an essentiality, lightness. With my transport, the SotM Ultra had an absolutely impressive depth of plans. In the question of scene width, you can find the best devices in the question of attack or in the broad sense of accuracy.

Only usually these devices already upset the balance and lose on the bulges, smoothness and reception unnatural, tedious. Instead of relaxing, it’s unhealthily arousing.

I listened to KMAudio alongside Merason, Remiyo, Lumin, Musicana. I used to have pickups like the Lampizator Amber3 (about 25,000 zł?), Sonic Frontiers SFD2 (about 8,000 zlotys on the secondary market). Ideon Ayazi Mk2 (very successful Greek-the only DAC on sabre that I really liked about 10 000zl), Chord Qutest, Audio GD Master 11, Lumin D2, Chinese XiangScheng DAC 05, DAC Ayon (I don’t remember the model – New about 15 000zl), I also listened to DAC DCS based systems, lee Muzg, Gustard R26, Vintage Parasounds, Audio Note DAC1, Denafrips, Auralic Aries S1, Linn Akurate DS.

Thus, we shot from 2000 to almost 50 000 zlotys. I usually had some sort of reference converter for comparison.

And I can say one thing.

DAC Krzyska-especially on the PCM63 and AD1865 bones-if you are looking for depth (here it is absolutely spectacular), musicality, timbre. An analog game in a broad sense. Add some music to your music. Extension of listening time… it should be your choice for listening.

Not in every system it displaces DCSa, Rockne, Reimyo or Muzga (this is a completely different school of play), but if it has already done this, why not try it?

It is not suitable for everyone, but in combination with good transport (I have SotM Ultra), it can save you several tens of thousands. zloty.

Instead of supporting the Chinese , give ‘your own’ people a chance.

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